Strasbourg. Our rest day.
Strasbourg was every bit as pretty as its reputation suggested. It’s certainly a city that must be seen when in the area.
Navigating the streets, I noticed how much noisier and chaotic life seemed to be in the city compared to the bike seat where I had spent the past 11 days. Did I even need a rest day?
No matter. As far as places to walk around go, Strasbourg was about as good as it comes. Completely picturesque from nearly every angle, Strasbourg is surely a photographer’s dream. Full of activity and seemingly unlimited shopping options, it also struck me as a place one could spend days poking through shops on the many streets that cross this way and that in its interior.
Lacking good photography equipment and possessing limited cargo room for any purchased goods, we instead spent our time admiring the architecture and finding as many edible treats as we could. Strasbourg delivered, and we had a great time.
As a side note, I will add that for ordinary tourist purposes, one day is far too short a stay to fully enjoy Strasbourg. It’s a large city, and a scenic one at that, so a proper exploration of all that it has to offer would take far more time than we allotted.
Was it a good spot for a rest day? Maybe. It’s a great city to walk around in, but don’t expect that you’ll be able to take in all that it offers on just one day out of the bike saddle.
A few pictures from Strasbourg:

Thank you so much for posting about Eurovelo 15. Did you continue on after Strasbourg? I am planning on doing a similar trip later this year and would love to know about the rest of your journey.
I did continue past Strasbourg; I completed the entire route. Unfortunately though, I’ve not taken the time to finish writing everything up.
If you have specific questions, please ask.
I also have a youtube channel:
been reading and making notes and so many questions!
Planning to cycle the route in May/June this year – have booked flight into Zurich and ferry from Hook back to UK.
Regarding the rest of your journey, do you have the day to day journey distance/seat times between your various stops easily accessible for publication?
I don’t have a full record of all my seat times. Sorry.
Greatest distance was just over 100km, and although some days were long, it was never too strenuous. I took my time to see the area.